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Here you'll find out why the school system sucks all over north america.

In our old school the door to the boys bathroom was taken off.What if a pedophile had been in the school?Is it safe to have no door in the bathroom?
It is true that the bathroom was vandilised but letting everyone see the boys piss is a bit to far.This year they have not taken of the door but instead have put big windows on the door.So now people can see in but they can only see the stalls.
This is very pathetic it is another way that the school wants to control everything that we do.
We have no privacy and no rights.One teacher confisctes food and drinks because he says that "they have drugs in them."The school discriminates against"potheads"and the teachers seem unwilling to teach.

First day diary
Well its a new school year,we have new faces and the grade 7's are in a new school.
Its the first day and the school system already screwed us over.In the past years we had 5 minutes in between classes to get our books and go to our next class.This year we have 3 minutes.They expect us to carry our books for the next class with us plus the books we have for our class before.We cant put our books in our bags because we have to keep them in our locker.

Today a teacher told a black student(One of only two) to take of his sun glasses.The teacher was quoted as saying"What!you think youre in the ghetto or something!?"

We also cant smoke in the front because "the busdrivers complain"But when most people smoke theres no bus's there.

Oh ya end finnaly we are sopposed to get our agenda's so that teachers can sign it so we can go to the washroom.But this year according to the principal we are not allowed to go to the washroom.

And you thought you had it bad at your school!!!

Website creator wins in Federal Court
(2/1/99) Another case confirms that you have the right to publish a website which condemns, mocks, and even curses your school administrators and teachers. A federal judge in Missouri ruled that a Missouri High School violated the free speech rights of a student when it suspended him for his critical remarks about the school posted on his Web site.

This case considerably strengthens your rights because the case reached the federal court level, rather than a state court. Federal court decisions have more of an impact on establishing the your rights and influencing future cases. Many other similar cases have been settled before a court verdict.

Brandon Beussink,, the student in the Missouri case, was protected by the First Amendment because he published his website from his home using a private phone line and his personal Internet account. If you use your school's computers to publish a defamatory site, you may be vulnerable to a suspension.

Schools have never been allowed to control your free speech rights while you are off school grounds. Since Web sites can be accessed on school grounds, schools are trying to claim that they can control what you choose to publish on your site. This case effectively tells schools that the Web is one forum that they cannot control.

"It's simply the function of the fact that people are taken by the technology and erroneously assume that completely different rules apply," said Jonathon Albano, the ACLU First Amendment attorney who handled the case. "What the student was doing shouldn't be different than if the student was using handbills [as a form of protest]."

Albano added, "Schools have no right to interfere with what students say on their own time outside of school, whether their thoughts appear in an underground newspaper or on the Internet," Jacobs said.

We do not doubt that your school may still try to suspend you. If a school administrator threatens to suspend you for your Web site, then you should calmly threaten to sue him PERSONALLY and sue your school if you receive a suspension. Schools do not like lawsuits because they cost money. Use their fear of lawsuits as leverage.

And most importantly, never back down. The Constitution is on your side.

"Dislike or being upset by the content of a student's speech is not an acceptable justification for limiting student speech," Judge Sippel wrote in his opinion.

Is vchs discriminating?
Reports have come to me that vchs is discriminating against so called "potheads" I have no proof of this but I will tell you what I know so far.
Many people are complaining that they are not being allowed into the school because " they are potheads"Schools have no right to not except you for some notion that you are a "pothead"Unless a teacher see's you then they can't kick you out or not except you.
Another case which I have seen is about certain teachers stealing food because "there are drugs in them"And then eating and drinking them.I think teachers get enough money to buy thier own food!
If anything like this has ever happend to you tell school a adminisrator.Dont be silent speak up leave your vchs horror story in the guestbook.

Suspensions: How Your High School May Be Violating Your Rights
Although many students have been suspended at one time or another, few understand what the negative repercussions of that may be. Despite what your friends may tell you, being suspended is not the same as going on vacation. Sure, you’ll have some schoolwork to make up, but that is inconsequential compared to the tarnish left on your school record. As seniors know all too well, when time comes to apply to colleges, all your classes, grades, and disciplinary problems are revealed. A suspension can ruin your chances of getting into the college of your choice. Because of its damaging nature, suspensions should not be taken lightly. The Supreme Court has even ruled that students who are suspended have property and liberty interests which are protected by the 14th amendment to the Constitution. This brings us to the biggest concern: when a school suspends you, it may also be violating your civil rights!

In the 1975 case of GOSS v. LOPEZ, the Supreme Court ruled that a student’s “legitimate entitlement to a public education . . . is protected by the Due Process Clause”. Therefore, a school cannot not suspend, much less expel you, unless granted due process.

The GOSS ruling stated that before a student can be suspended for 10 days or less, the school must provide the student with:

Notice of the charges against him
An explanation of the evidence they have against the students, and
Provide the student with an opportunity to present his side of the story.
In addition, the school must schedule a hearing with the student’s parents before the suspension.

Knowing now the constitutional guidelines for a suspension, compare it to Hillside High School’s [the author's high school] procedures for suspension:

OOPS! Hillside High School has no suspension procedures! At least not any which can be found in the Student Handbook, (where they should be noted).

Gathering from recent suspensions of students in HHS, it can be concluded that the school’s phantom procedures include no more than [1] Telling a student that he will be suspended effective the next day, [2] Calling the parents, if they can be reached, and [3] Sending home a letter alerting parents about the suspension a few days later.

In the past and even recently, the Hillside High School administration has refused to explain to the students why they are being suspended, they have refused to take the student’s side of events into consideration and virtually never called parents in for a hearing before the student was suspended.

Not only is this a violation of students’ constitutional rights, but it is also resulting in the wrongfully ruined reputations of many students.

The Goss ruling does not recommend that schools follow these steps in all cases. For instance, if the school feels it must remove a student from school because he or she is presenting a continued danger to the school, then the school can skip due process. However, there is no excuse that your high school should deny you your rights when it comes to incidents such as alleged insubordination, theft, truancy, or peeling off test labels.

Few students and parents have ever challenged suspensions. Perhaps it was because they had no idea how serious suspensions were, or because they felt nothing could be done. In actuality, no one has the right to violate your rights – not even a school. Not only should parents and students protest whenever due process is denied to a suspended student, but they should also demand that fair and reasonable procedures be established for suspensions in their schools.